AnAge Database

Found 1356 results. Showing results 1341 to 1356.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02257Chrotogale owstoniOwston's palm civetNot yet established02257
02429Scotorepens orionOrion broad-nosed bat11.102429
02583Erinaceus amurensisAmur hedgehog802583
02702CebusCapuchin monkeys--02702
02763Semnopithecus johniiHooded leaf monkey3402763
02829Pithecia irrorataGray monk sakiNot yet established02829
03013Trichys fasciculataLong-tailed porcupineNot yet established03013
03155Ratufa affinisPale giant squirrelNot yet established03155
03160Sciurus aestuansGuianan squirrelNot yet established03160
03169Sciurus stramineusGuayaquil squirrelNot yet established03169
02569Bettongia tropicaNorthern bettongNot yet established02569
03119Callosciurus finlaysoniiFinlayson's squirrel12.803119
03153Pteromys momongaJapanese flying squirrelNot yet established03153
03158Sciurotamias davidianusPere David's rock squirrelNot yet established03158
03196Spalax carmeliMt carmel blind mole ratNot yet established03196