AnAge Database

Found 14 results. Showing results 1 to 14.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02675Ateles fuscicepsBrown-headed spider monkey4602675
02676Ateles geoffroyiCentral American spider monkey47.102676
02678Ateles paniscusBlack spider monkey4602678
02667Alouatta carayaBlack howler monkey32.402667
02679Brachyteles arachnoidesSouthern muriqui, or Woolly spider monkey, or Muriqui4002679
02680Lagothrix lagothrichaHumboldt's woolly monkey3202680
02674Ateles chamekChamek spider monkey42.802674
02669Alouatta palliataMantled howler monkey2402669
02670Alouatta pigraMexican black howler monkeyNot yet established02670
02672Alouatta seniculusRed howler monkey2502672
02673Ateles belzebuthWhite-bellied spider monkey3702673
02668Alouatta guaribaBrown howler monkeyNot yet established02668
02677Ateles marginatusWhite-whiskered spider monkey4402677
02671Alouatta saraBolivian red howler monkeyNot yet established02671