- Symbol
- CG3776
- Aliases
- Dmel\CG3776; DmP29; EP(2)0835; Jhebp29; P29
- Name
- Juvenile hormone esterase binding protein 29 (DmP29)
- Organism
- Drosophila melanogaster (AnAge)
- Observations
- Both overexpression and underexpression of Jhebp29 caused reduction in mean lifespan. The reduction in male flies was slightly higher.
- % change in avg or median lifespan
- Average male lifespan is 38.8% lower; Average female lifespan is 31.1% lower.
- Lifespan Effect
- Decrease
- Genetic Manipulation
- Mutations
- Longevity Category
- Pro-Longevity
- Primary reference
- GenAge model organism genes
- This gene is present as CG3776
- Danio rerio
- Danio rerio
- si:dkey-82o10.4
- Homo sapiens
- Mus musculus
- Maip1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Maip1
- FlyBase
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- Entrez Gene
- View on Entrez Gene database (37996)
- Homologues
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