- Symbol
- mnk-1
- Name
- MAP kinase iNtegrating Kinase (MNK) homolog
- Organism
- Caenorhabditis elegans (AnAge)
- Known functions and activities
- Regulation of signalling
- Observations
- RNA interference shortened wild-type (20%) and ife-2 mutant (15%) maximum lifespan.
- % change in max lifespan
- Maximum lifespan is 20% lower.
- Lifespan Effect
- Decrease
- Genetic Manipulation
- RNA interference
- Longevity Category
- Pro-Longevity
- Primary reference
- Danio rerio
- mknk1
- Danio rerio
- mknk2b
- Danio rerio
- mknk2a
- Drosophila melanogaster
- Lk6
- Homo sapiens
- Homo sapiens
- Mus musculus
- Mknk1
- Mus musculus
- Mknk2
- Rattus norvegicus
- Mknk1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Mknk2
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- RCK2
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- RCK1
- WormBase
- Search
- Ensembl
- Search
- Entrez Gene
- View on Entrez Gene database (174623)
- Homologues
- Search HomoloGene
- UniProt
- Search
- Internet
- Search Google or Search Google Scholar