- Symbol
- mdl-1
- Name
- MAD-Like
- Organism
- Caenorhabditis elegans (AnAge)
- Observations
- Daf-2 mutants display an upregulated MDL-1. Deletion of mdl-1 shortens lifespan of wild type worm (up to 16%). Moreover, deletion in long-lived daf-2 mutants shortens lifespan to an even higher degree (up to 32%) suggesting it contributes to the effects of daf-2 on lifespan.
- % change in avg or median lifespan
- Mean lifespan is 16% lower.
- Lifespan Effect
- Increase
- Genetic Manipulation
- Deletion
- Longevity Category
- Anti-Longevity
- Primary reference
- GenAge human genes
- A homolog of this gene for Homo sapiens is present as MXD1
- A homolog of this gene for Homo sapiens is present as MXI1
- CellAge
- A homolog of this gene for Homo sapiens is present as MXD4
- CellAge gene expression
- A homolog of this gene for Homo sapiens is present as MXI1
- A homolog of this gene for Homo sapiens is present as MXD4
- Danio rerio
- mxd3
- Danio rerio
- mxi1
- Danio rerio
- mxd4
- Danio rerio
- mxd1
- Homo sapiens
- MXD1
- Homo sapiens
- MXI1
- Homo sapiens
- MXD4
- Homo sapiens
- MXD3
- Mus musculus
- Mxi1
- Mus musculus
- Mxd1
- Mus musculus
- Mxd3
- Mus musculus
- Mxd4
- Rattus norvegicus
- Mxd1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Mxi1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Mxd4
- WormBase
- Search
- Ensembl
- Search
- Entrez Gene
- View on Entrez Gene database (180942)
- Homologues
- Search HomoloGene
- UniProt
- Search
- Internet
- Search Google or Search Google Scholar