- Symbol
- FBP1
- Aliases
- ACN8
- Name
- Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, key regulatory enzyme in the gluconeogenesis pathway, required for gluc
- Organism
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae (AnAge)
- Known functions and activities
- Glucose metabolism
- Observations
- Deletion did increase survival during the first 15 days during chronological ageing, but did not increase chronological lifespan. Deletion reduced production of reactive oxygen species while overexpression shortened lifespan.
- Lifespan Effect
- Decrease
- Genetic Manipulation
- Overexpression
- Longevity Category
- Anti-Longevity
- Primary reference
- GenAge model organism genes
- A homolog of this gene for Caenorhabditis elegans is present as fbp-1
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- fbp-1
- Danio rerio
- fbp1b
- Danio rerio
- fbp2
- Danio rerio
- fbp1a
- Drosophila melanogaster
- fbp
- Homo sapiens
- FBP1
- Homo sapiens
- FBP2
- Mus musculus
- Fbp2
- Mus musculus
- Fbp1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Fbp1
- Rattus norvegicus
- Fbp2
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- fbp1
- Saccharomyces Genome Database
- Search
- Ensembl
- Search
- Entrez Gene
- View on Entrez Gene database (851092)
- Homologues
- Search HomoloGene
- UniProt
- Search
- Internet
- Search Google or Search Google Scholar