GenAge Database of Ageing-Related Genes

Welcome to GenAge, the benchmark database of genes related to ageing. GenAge is divided into genes related to longevity and/or ageing in model organisms (yeast, worms, flies, mice, etc.) and ageing-related human genes. The section on human ageing-related genes includes the few genes directly related to ageing in humans plus the best candidate genes obtained from model organisms. Human genes are thus considerably better annotated and include more information. GenAge is manually curated by experts to ensure high-quality content.

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Complementary to GenAge is a database of genes commonly altered during ageing, drawn from a microarray meta-analysis study, and the LongevityMap, a database of human genetic variants associated with longevity.

You can view GenAge's statistics. Release notes for the current build are also available. Though deprecated, a list of genes that may modulate ageing in mammals and a list of genes related to ageing in model organisms clustered according to functional groups are available as well.

GenAge is employed by many researchers and has been cited in several publications. It was highlighted in Science (307:187), Nature Reviews Genetics (5:1362), and BioTechniques (39:21). Using GenAge, we were the first to construct and analyse a protein network of human ageing as well as develop a system-level interpretation of ageing.

Downloading GenAge

Zipped tab-delimited ASCII files with all genes from the human dataset and model organisms dataset are available for download.

Conditions of Use, Credits, and Feedback

GenAge is made freely available to everyone under the terms and conditions described in HAGR's license. Available are also the image credits.

If you find an error or wish to propose another gene to be included in the database, please contact us. To receive the latest GenAge news and announcements, such as notification when new builds are released, please join the HAGR-news mailing list.