GenDR Dietary Restriction Gene Manipulation: F57A8.4
Gene Information (Entrez Gene ID: 186430)
Potential relevance to dietary restriction and ageing
- Observations
F57A8.4 encodes a rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor that is known to sense light [2604]. Mutation or RNA interference of F57A8.4 extends lifespan on NGM agar covered with killed or live bacteria as well as in liquid culture medium. F57A8.4 RNAi extends the mean, 75%ile and maximum lifespan by 34, 39, and 61%. F57A8.4(tm4341) mutation extends the mean, 75%ile, and maximum lifespan by 18-38, 21-25, and 42-68%. eat-2 RNAi shortens the lifespan of F57A8.4 mutants [2603].
- References
No homologs found
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- ID 186430
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