AnAge entry for Heterocephalus glaber
Classification (HAGRID: 02848)
- Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia (Taxon entry)
Order: Rodentia
Family: Bathyergidae
Genus: Heterocephalus
- Species
- Heterocephalus glaber
- Common name
- Naked mole-rat
- Synonyms
- Heterocephalus ansorgei, Heterocephalus dunni, Heterocephalus phillipsi, Heterocephalus progrediens, Heterocephalus scortecci, Heterocephalus stygius
Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits
- Maximum longevity
- 31 years (captivity)
- Source
- Rochelle Buffenstein, pers. comm.
- Sample size
- Large
- Data quality
- High
- Observations
These bizarre underground animals from the Horn of Africa live in cooperative colonies, a protected and thermally buffered environment. Their body temperature is relatively low and they appear to be cold-intolerant. They are one of the longest-lived rodents and are extremely resistant to cancer [0689], though cases of cancer have been reported [1248]. The INK4 locus of naked mole rats encodes a functional p15/p16 hybrid isoform (in addition to the other products) which is expressed in response to a number of cancer related stresses. In cultured cells this hybrid product has a stronger ability to induce cell-cycle arrest than either p15 or p16 and may contribute to the increased cancer resistance of this species [1176]. These animals have higher levels of expression of the A2M gene, whose activated form has been shown to inhibit tumour growth in mice [1333].
Record longevity belongs to one specimen caught in the wild in 1980 that lived over 30 years in captivity until it died in 2010, making it at least 31 years of age when it died (Rochelle Buffenstein, pers. comm.). In the wild, breeders have been known to live up to 17 years but non-breeders do not commonly live more than 2 or 3 years (Stan Braude, pers. comm.).
Unlike other mammals, naked mole-rats appear to maintain good health for most of their lifespan and do not exhibit the typical age-associated increase in mortality [0756]. Older animals can be less active but few age-related changes have been described [0981]. Naked mole-rats maintain cardiac function with age and show no evidence of cardiac hypertrophy or arterial stiffening [1177]. Nonterminal pathologies like sarcopenia and kyphosis have been observed in old animals [0925]. In addition to their cancer resistance naked mole-rats appear to have natural protection against amyloid beta plaque formation, a process implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In one study, the brains of the longest lived naked mole-rats contained similar levels of amyloid beta to mouse models of AD yet showed no evidence of extracellular plaque formation [1178]. Even young naked mole-rats have high levels of soluble amyloid beta in their brains, linked to lower levels of UPS-mediated amyloid beta degradation [1179]. Another study found that levels of phosphorylated tau protein, also implicated in AD, were higher in naked mole-rats than mouse models. Despite this, the phosphorylated tau protein maintained normal axonal localisation [1180]. This suggests naked mole-rats also have a resistance to neurodegenerative disease.
Studies into the microbiome of naked mole-rats have shown that these animals have a similarity in gut bacteria with another model of healthy ageing (extremely aged humans). Additionally, some of the gut microflora in the microbiome of naked mole-rats may have important functions regarding immune homeostasis and cancer [1331].
Naked mole-rats' fibroblasts have been shown to be considerably resistant to reprogramming. This could indicate that their epigenome is quite stable, which might contribute to their improved cancer resistance and longevity, when compared to other species [1332].
A study comparing rodent species has found that maximum longevity is associated with smaller rates of protein turnover. Animals of this long-lived species may have evolved towards reducing the energetic cost of continuous protein turnover, which in turn would lessen the quantity and the damage caused by reactive oxygen species produced in this process [1334].
These rodents' exceptional lifespan does not appear to be caused by the removal of the process of cellular senescence. Naked mole-rat cells have been found to undergo the same types of cellular senescence as those found in mice, favouring a senescence response to an apoptotic one [1336].
Studies comparing ageing-associated differentially methylated positions (aDMPs) between mouse, dog, naked mole-rat, rhesus monkey, humpback whale and human, have shown that lifespan in these mammalian species is strongly correlated with the rate of change of methylation levels in aDMPs. Additionally, these methylation dynamics are a measure of cellular ageing [1315]. One model was successfully built that could predict specimen age, based on the epigenetic clock. This model also predicted that skin tissue ages at a slower rate than liver for these animals [1340].
One possible reason for these animals being long-lived could be associated with their enhanced resistance to stress [1338]. These animals can retain the function of mild depolarization in their mitochondria, which allows for the production of large amounts of ATP without the production of ROS [1341]. Additionally, these animals have been found to possess differences in the constitution of their immune system compared to mouse, which includes the lack of natural killer cells [1339].
Telomere length was found to slightly increase with age, possibly aiding them reach extreme longevities [1342].
Life history traits (averages)
- Female sexual maturity
- 228 days
- Male sexual maturity
- Gestation
- 70 days
- Weaning
- Litter size
- 7 (viviparous)
- Litters per year
- 3.5
- Inter-litter interval
- 81 days
- Weight at birth
- 2 g
- Weight at weaning
- Adult weight
- 35 g
- Postnatal growth rate
- 0.0046 days-1 (from Gompertz function)
- Maximum longevity residual
- 368%
- Typical body temperature
- 305ºK or 32.1ºC or 89.8ºF
- Basal metabolic rate
- 0.1280 W
- Body mass
- 35.3 g
- Metabolic rate per body mass
- 0.003626 W/g
- [1341] Vyssokikh et al. (2020), Mild depolarization of the inner mitochondrial membrane is a crucial component of an anti-aging program (PubMed)
- [1340] Lowe et al. (2020), DNA methylation clocks as a predictor for ageing and age estimation in naked mole-rats, Heterocephalus glaber (PubMed)
- [1339] Hilton et al. (2019), Single-cell transcriptomics of the naked mole-rat reveals unexpected features of mammalian immunity (PubMed)
- [1342] Adwan Shekhidem et al. (2019), Telomeres and Longevity: A Cause or an Effect? (PubMed)
- [1338] Heinze et al. (2018), Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging (PubMed)
- [1337] Lewis et al. (2018), A window into extreme longevity; the circulating metabolomic signature of the naked mole-rat, a mammal that shows negligible senescence (PubMed)
- [1315] Lowe et al. (2018), Ageing-associated DNA methylation dynamics are a molecular readout of lifespan variation among mammalian species (PubMed)
- [1336] Zhao et al. (2018), Naked mole rats can undergo developmental, oncogene-induced and DNA damage-induced cellular senescence (PubMed)
- [1335] Ruby et al. (2018), Naked Mole-Rat mortality rates defy gompertzian laws by not increasing with age (PubMed)
- [1334] Swovick et al. (2018), Cross-species Comparison of Proteome Turnover Kinetics (PubMed)
- [1333] Kurz et al. (2017), The anti-tumorigenic activity of A2M-A lesson from the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [1332] Tan et al. (2017), Naked Mole Rat Cells Have a Stable Epigenome that Resists iPSC?Reprogramming (PubMed)
- [1331] Debebe et al. (2017), Unraveling the gut microbiome of the long-lived naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [1248] Taylor et al. (2017), Four Cases of Spontaneous Neoplasia in the Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber), A Putative Cancer-Resistant Species (PubMed)
- [1277] Stoll et al. (2016), Naked mole-rats maintain healthy skeletal muscle and Complex IV mitochondrial enzyme function into old age (PubMed)
- [1247] Delaney et al. (2016), Initial Case Reports of Cancer in Naked Mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) (PubMed)
- [1250] Dziegelewska et al. (2016), Low sulfide levels and a high degree of cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) activation by S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) in the long-lived naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [1220] Davies et al. (2015), Family Wide Molecular Adaptations to Underground Life in African Mole-Rats Revealed by Phylogenomic Analysis (PubMed)
- [1181] Thieme et al. (2015), Analysis of Alpha-2 Macroglobulin from the Long-Lived and Cancer-Resistant Naked Mole-Rat and Human Plasma (PubMed)
- [1217] Pride et al. (2015), Long-lived species have improved proteostasis compared to phylogenetically-related shorter-lived species (PubMed)
- [1180] Orr et al. (2015), Sustained high levels of neuroprotective, high molecular weight, phosphorylated tau in the longest-lived rodent (PubMed)
- [1176] Tian et al. (2015), INK4 locus of the tumor-resistant rodent, the naked mole rat, expresses a functional p15/p16 hybrid isoform (PubMed)
- [1182] Keane et al. (2014), The Naked Mole Rat Genome Resource: facilitating analyses of cancer and longevity-related adaptations (PubMed)
- [1281] Rodriguez et al. (2014), A cytosolic protein factor from the naked mole-rat activates proteasomes of other species and protects these from inhibition (PubMed)
- [1177] Grimes et al. (2014), And the beat goes on: maintained cardiovascular function during aging in the longest-lived rodent, the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [1179] Edrey et al. (2014), Oxidative damage and amyloid-beta metabolism in brain regions of the longest-lived rodents (PubMed)
- [1144] Tian et al. (2013), High-molecular-mass hyaluronan mediates the cancer resistance of the naked mole rat (PubMed)
- [1178] Edrey et al. (2013), Amyloid beta and the longest-lived rodent: the naked mole-rat as a model for natural protection from Alzheimer's disease (PubMed)
- [1114] Delaney et al. (2013), Spontaneous histologic lesions of the adult naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber): a retrospective survey of lesions in a zoo population (PubMed)
- [0966] Edrey et al. (2012), Sustained high levels of neuregulin-1 in the longest-lived rodents; a key determinant of rodent longevity (PubMed)
- [0926] Yu et al. (2011), RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of mitochondrial and oxidation reduction genes in the long-lived naked mole-rat when compared to mice (PubMed)
- [0894] Kim et al. (2011), Genome sequencing reveals insights into physiology and longevity of the naked mole rat (PubMed)
- [1136] Gomes et al. (2011), Comparative biology of mammalian telomeres: hypotheses on ancestral states and the roles of telomeres in longevity determination (PubMed)
- [0925] Edrey et al. (2011), Endocrine function and neurobiology of the longest-living rodent, the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [0981] Wolf and Austad (2010), Introduction: Lifespans and Pathologies Present at Death in Laboratory Animals
- [0867] Seluanov et al. (2009), Hypersensitivity to contact inhibition provides a clue to cancer resistance of naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [0913] Perez et al. (2009), Protein stability and resistance to oxidative stress are determinants of longevity in the longest-living rodent, the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [0978] Jones et al. (2009), PanTHERIA: a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals
- [0756] Buffenstein (2008), Negligible senescence in the longest living rodent, the naked mole-rat: insights from a successfully aging species (PubMed)
- [0947] Mitchell et al. (2007), Membrane phospholipid composition may contribute to exceptional longevity of the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber): a comparative study using shotgun lipidomics (PubMed)
- [0783] Csiszar et al. (2007), Vascular aging in the longest-living rodent, the naked mole rat (PubMed)
- [0776] Seluanov et al. (2007), Telomerase activity coevolves with body mass not lifespan (PubMed)
- [0786] Andziak and Buffenstein (2006), Disparate patterns of age-related changes in lipid peroxidation in long-lived naked mole-rats and shorter-lived mice (PubMed)
- [0754] Labinskyy et al. (2006), Comparison of endothelial function, O2-* and H2O2 production, and vascular oxidative stress resistance between the longest-living rodent, the naked mole rat, and mice (PubMed)
- [0755] Andziak et al. (2006), High oxidative damage levels in the longest-living rodent, the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [0689] Buffenstein (2005), The naked mole-rat: a new long-living model for human aging research (PubMed)
- [0603] Andziak et al. (2005), Antioxidants do not explain the disparate longevity between mice and the longest-living rodent, the naked mole-rat (PubMed)
- [0715] Lorenzini et al. (2005), Cellular replicative capacity correlates primarily with species body mass not longevity (PubMed)
- [0481] Austad (2005), Diverse aging rates in metazoans: targets for functional genomics (PubMed)
- [0036] Savage et al. (2004), The predominance of quarter-power scaling in biology
- [0420] White and Seymour (2003), Mammalian basal metabolic rate is proportional to body mass2/3 (PubMed)
- [0005] Buffenstein and Jarvis (2002), The naked mole rat--a new record for the oldest living rodent (PubMed)
- [0184] O'Connor et al. (2002), Prolonged longevity in naked mole-rats: age-related changes in metabolism, body composition and gastrointestinal function (PubMed)
- [0434] Ronald Nowak (1999), Walker's Mammals of the World
- [0455] Virginia Hayssen et al. (1993), Asdell's Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction: A Compendium of Species-Specific Data
- [0050] Paul Sherman et al. (1991), The Biology of the Naked Mole-Rat
- [0731] Zullinger et al. (1984), Fitting sigmoid equations to mammalian growth curves
- [1282] Sternadel (1976), [Problems of multiple pregnancy] (PubMed)
External Resources
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System
- ITIS 584677
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- Taxonomy ID 10181
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